Our Legal Services

Our services

Legal Representation

We provide legal representation for people who:

  • Are currently living anywhere in South Yorkshire
  • Have claimed asylum and been refused
  • Are Appeal Rights Exhausted
  • Don't have any other immigration legal support or representation in place

We will work with clients to explore their situation and where possible make fresh claims with the aim of securing grants of leave to remain in the UK.

We do not provide legal representation for people who:

  • are going through their initial asylum claim
  • are appealing against an initial asylum decision.
  • are living outside of South Yorkshire
  • need support with a private immigration matter such as a business or student visa

If you would like more information about what we do and what we can help with, you can contact us at info@syrlj.org.uk or on 07553 233 334.

If you would like to make a referral to our service please complete the form below:

bookshelf with lots of thank yhou cards and books

One - Off Legal Advice

If your situation does not meet the criteria above, we may be able to give you some advice on a one-off basis via one of our drop-in sessions at the Victoria Hall Multi-Agency drop-in.

You can find out more about our presence at the drop-in here.

What others say...


SYRLJ do everything in their power to challenge dehumanising legal structures. Their pace of work is unprecedented, driven by a deep passion for justice, they work holistically & professionally with their clients, advocating for and often attaining the best possible outcome. Our clients tell us SYRLJ are different, that they're treated with respect and that they can see SYRLJ are working hard for them. I see our clients visibly relax after a short period of working with SYLRJ, knowing that they are now, finally, in safe hands. SYRLJ are a bastion of high-quality, client-centred, empowering immigration advice. An oasis in the legal advice desert

Anna Rudd, Director of ASSIST Sheffield

South Yorkshire Refugee Law and Justice

© SYRLJ 2023 | Registered Charity No. 1199706 | Registered with the Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner: N202300046