I Need Legal Advice

legal services

Legal Representation

If the following things apply to you we may be able to help with your immigration legal case:

  • You are currently living anywhere in South Yorkshire
  • Your asylum claim has been refused
  • Your asylum appeal was refused or you didn’t appeal your negative decision
  • You don’t currently have a lawyer helping you with your legal case

We may be able to help by advising you about your legal situation and/or helping you to gather evidence and submit further applications to the Home Office.

We provide professional interpreters whenever needed.

We will not share any personal information about you, with any external organisations unless you give us permission to do so or we are required to by law.

We treat everyone we work with respect and we do not make judgements based on who you are or what you have done. We will look at all the information available about your legal case and give you advice about the options you have. If possible we will help you with any next steps you wish to take.

If you would like to get help with your legal case you can complete our referral form below. We recommend you email us at info@syrlj.org.uk or call, text, or whatsapp on 07553 233 334 to check our availability to take on new cases before completing a referral form.

One - Off Legal Advice

If your situation does not meet the criteria above, we may be able to give you some advice on a one-off basis via one of our drop-in sessions at the Victoria Hall Multi-Agency drop-in in Sheffield and the Hope House Multi-Agency drop-in in Barnsley. Our upcoming dates at these drop-ins are:

Barnsley: Wednesday 8th January 12.30pm - 2.30pm

Sheffield: Wednesday 22nd January 1.30pm - 4.00pm

Sheffield: Wednesday 5th February 1.30pm - 4.00pm

Barnsley: Wednesday 12th February 12.30pm - 2.30pm

Sheffield: Wednesday 26th February 1.30pm - 4.00pm

Please note that doors close at 3.30pm for the Sheffield drop-in

South Yorkshire Refugee Law and Justice

© SYRLJ 2023 | Registered Charity No. 1199706 | Registered with the Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner: N202300046